Category Archives: Recipes

What does the length of your fingers tell you about your personality?

#1 Index finger is longer than ring finger Personality
If your ring finger is shorter than your index finger, it means you’re a decisive leader.

You’re an exceptional leader because you’re confident, creative and resourceful.
You’re also known for your wit and exceptional ability to give advice.

You handle situations calmly and serenely. Unlike others, he’s not inclined to act impulsively.

Their personality is characterised by analysis, goal-setting and foresight.
He is revered for his impeccable judgement.

He is also very cautious in his actions because of the profound effect he often has on those who follow him.

#2 Index and ring fingers of the same length Personality
You’re a well-balanced person if your index and ring fingers are the same length.
Your character is affectionate, loyal, kind and organised.
Listening and warmth are two of your best qualities.Helping people and listening to their stories fills you with joy.

#3 The ring finger is longer than the index finger Personality
Self-confidence is high when the ring finger is longer than the index finger.
When faced with a challenge, you are rarely discouraged. In case his main strategy doesn’t work, he always has something else ready.

Credit: positive-info

If your partner leaves a clothespin in your showerhead, make sure you know what it means

These days, tips and home remedies abound at the click of a button. The Internet offers a wealth of useful information that used to be passed down from

parent to child.Some of these tips seem logical, but others seem so bizarre that you can’t help but wonder if they really work.

So, have you ever come across a trick that made you raise your eyebrows and say, “What the hell is that? If not, this one is sure to surprise you.

We all know that clothespins are for hanging clothes, but they have other uses that can be very useful.
These unassuming little gadgets have an extra function that transforms them into tools capable of giving your bathroom a facelift.

All you need is a wooden clothespin and a bottle of essential oil, such as eucalyptus, lavender or peppermint, or whichever you prefer that gives you a feeling of relaxation. Soak the clip in the essential oil of your choice and attach it to the showerhead or shower curtain.

The steam from the shower will diffuse the scent from the clamp, creating a homemade fragrance diffuser that will enhance your showering experience and make it more luxurious.

Source: positive-info

Shelter rescues neglected dog covered in three pounds of matted fur — he looks completely different after makeover

Many stray and neglected dogs go ungroomed, causing them distress as their fur becomes tangled and matted. But a haircut can make all the difference.

That was the case recently, after one dog covered in severely matted fur got a makeover that’s given him a new lease on life.

On July 16, the South Plains SPCA shared a post about the “worst case of dog neglect we have ever encountered.” A 6-year-old dog was covered in extremely matted, thick fur, and was in poor shape.

“The dog has rotten skin spots, hair matted to the skin so bad it is in grown into the skin, the nails are 2 inches long,” the SPCA reported.

“His hair growth was about five years of matting,” said Kim Moyers, president of the South Plains SPCA, told KLBK-TV. “It’s just awful that he was probably seen in different places and overlooked.

I don’t see how he hasn’t been seen roaming in the condition he was. I’ve never seen anything like him. It was shocking.”

The South Plains SPCA took him in and named him Matt, after his matted fur. Despite the terrible condition they found him in, they resolved to fix him up and give him a second chance.

Matt reportedly yelped with pain every time they tried to cut his hair, so they had to sedate him. They cut through a collar and leash that was embedded in the hair, and shaved off a whopping three pounds of fur — the result of five years of neglect.

“There were thousands of goathead stickers, sticks, grass and even beetles matted in his fur. He has severe bruises on his body from his fur being tight on his skin,” the SPCA wrote.

The dog was anemic and placed on medication, though he was found to be heartworm negative and free of tick disease (as ticks couldn’t have gotten through his thick fur.)

Matt still has a lengthy road of recovery ahead, and he will need dental work once his blood work indicates that it’s safe.

“After we had one of our professional groomers — who’s also an SPCA foster — groom him, he looked amazing,” Houston told People. “He is the most gorgeous-looking dog I’ve ever seen. He’s just drop-dead gorgeous.”

The SPCA said Matt was a “sweet boy” after waking up from his grooming, and since then he’s been getting a taste of a happy, normal life.

“He went for his very first walk without his bulk of hair in probably five years,” Houston told KLBK. “His little bottom was just going back and forth, his tail was wagging and he was so happy.”

Matt is currently being fostered by Tori Houston, and will be placed up for adoption once he has recovered.

What a stunning transformation! It’s heartbreaking that Matt was neglected for so long and suffered with all that matted fur on him, but we’re glad he’s finally safe, groomed and on his way to a new life!

Source: lifeblogs

I learned this recipe in a restaurant, my family asks me to do it always!

This hearty dish combines tender beef, crispy potatoes, and a rich cheese mixture for a comforting meal that’s perfect for the whole family.


Beef and Seasoning:

SaltTo taste
Black PepperTo taste

Potato and Cheese Mixture:

Potatoes2, grated
Mozzarella Cheese150g
Cottage Cheese4 tbsp
Mayonnaise3 tbsp
Mustard2 tbsp

Other Ingredients:

Onion1, sliced
Olive OilAs needed


  1. Season the beef: Rub beef with salt and pepper.
  2. Prepare potato mixture: Grate potatoes. Combine mozzarella, cottage cheese, mayonnaise, and mustard.
  3. Cook potatoes and onions: Sauté grated potatoes and sliced onion in olive oil until golden brown.
  4. Combine ingredients: Add seasoned beef to the pan with potatoes and onions. Pour cheese mixture over the top.
  5. Simmer: Cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until beef is cooked through.
  6. Serve: Enjoy!

Credit: ilovefood

I Stopped Being Invited to Any of Our Family Gatherings and Was Crushed When I Accidentally Found Out Why

I Was Devastated to Learn the Reason Behind My Exclusion from Family Gatherings

Despite our busy schedules, my husband and I have always made a conscious effort to engage in family events. Yet, as time went on, I sensed a growing distance. The reason behind this withdrawal was something I never anticipated.

Greetings, I’m Emily. My wonderful husband, Alex, has been my partner for over a decade. Alex, a Chinese immigrant, captivated me with his warmth and charisma. He works in the technology sector, a field he has always been passionate about.

On the other hand, I am an accountant, which means both of us lead rather busy lives. Our demanding careers often limit the time we can spend with loved ones.

However, we made it a priority to attend significant family gatherings, especially during the Christmas season.

Though our schedules were tight, I noticed an increasing distance from my family. Take my cousins, for instance—we used to be very close, but now they rarely reach out.

While I sometimes blamed my busy schedule, it never prevented us from exchanging brief messages. I vividly recall discussing this with Alex over dinner one night, feeling anxious and bewildered.

“Are they still upset about us missing Thanksgiving last year?” I wondered aloud, worried that I was overthinking.

“Maybe, but it doesn’t make sense,” Alex replied, looking up from his laptop. “We’ve missed gatherings before, and your mom always says everyone understands,” he tried to reassure me. Sadly, his words did little to ease my anxiety, which only intensified.

For months, I had minimal contact with my family, which felt awkward. There were no calls or messages. It was as if I was gradually being removed from a narrative where I had always played a part.

I confided in my mom, who assured me that everything was fine. “Everyone knows how busy you and Alex are, and those events aren’t that important,” she said.

This feeling of being singled out became a persistent thought I couldn’t shake. Despite my repeated inquiries, my parents refused to address my concerns. Little did I know, the answers would come unexpectedly.

While shopping one day, mentally ticking off items from my list, I accidentally bumped into someone. To my surprise, it was my Aunt Linda, her arms full of groceries. “Emily! It’s so good to see you!” she exclaimed, her face lighting up with genuine delight.

“My Aunt Linda!” I was overjoyed to see her. “We’ve missed you so much. How have you been?” Aunt Linda’s expression changed as we hugged, her voice filled with hesitation. “I’m alright, my dear. I was just at a small gathering my family organized for me. It’s a shame you and Alex couldn’t make it.”

My smile faltered. “A gathering? We didn’t know about it. That’s odd.” Aunt Linda seemed uneasy. “Emily, can I ask you something serious?” she hesitated, clearly concerned. “Of course, Aunt Linda. What is it?” I braced myself, sensing something was wrong.

With a deep sigh, she asked, “Is it true what I’ve heard about you?” My heart sank. “What do you mean?” I asked, dreading her response. “Your mom told me that you’ve become a con artist, and that Alex is involved because of his tech skills. I didn’t believe it, but…”

I was stunned. “Aunt Linda, that’s completely untrue! None of it is true!” Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to comprehend this revelation. I knew I had to confront this head-on.

I immediately called my parents, and as soon as their faces appeared on the screen, I didn’t hold back. “Why are you telling people we’re con artists, Mom and Dad? Aunt Linda just told me everything.”

Their expressions were unreadable. “Because you told us so,” my dad said flatly, staring directly at the camera. “No, I never said that!” I shot back, my anger boiling over. “What makes you think you can say that about us?”

Mom refused to engage, leaving the room as Dad’s tone grew harsher. “You must have forgotten,” he said abruptly, trying to change the subject. The conversation ended without any resolution, leaving me confused and hurt.

They kept insisting that I had said it, trying to downplay the situation by saying, “No one thinks less of you because of it.” How could they think I would ever say such a thing?

Credit: ozgunhaberler

For Years My Neighbor Comes Home for 15 Minutes in the Middle of the Day — I Finally Dared to Take a Peek

As I hurried to my front door, I realized that I only had fifteen minutes left. I quickly headed toward the open window as soon as I thought no one was watching.

I was happy that no neighbors were observing when I peered over the windowsill.

Their living area was same to all others. Mike faced away from me while holding a high-end camera. With a subtle smile, Jill turned to face him. My attention was drawn to a brief glimpse of motion near the room’s edge.

Mike had my whole attention. His wife yelled, “Someone’s there!,” as our eyes locked, and I lost my breath. There’s someone looking inside!
No, no, no! I pondered. This is not possible!

With my heart racing, I hurried back to my house and secured the door. What was going through my mind? I peeked inside their house, but why? Had I caused them any offense? I thought they were going to call the cops.

The quiet was broken the following day by a knock on my door. Taking a glance through the peephole made my stomach turn. It was Mike.

He pulled out a picture from an envelope he was holding. My picture. “Want to elaborate?” he inquired, seeming amused.

I admitted, embarrassed. To my astonishment, Mike grinned and extended an invitation to visit, stating that he loves Jill by taking her picture every day.

I treasured their endearing custom and never looked out the window again after that day.

Source: lifeblogs

Farmer finds giant egg but what was inside was even more puzzling

A farmer found a huge egg under a chicken – when he saw what came out of it, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
Who doesn’t enjoy eggs for breakfast? No matter if you like them scrambled, poached, or even sunny side up, eggs are the best way to start your day in a healthy way. They give us the energy we need and make perfect combo with cheese, tomatoes, and bacon.

Although it’s unusual, it may happen for some eggs to have two yolks. Do you recall coming across an egg like that? Even if you have, there is one Texas farmer who can brag with something way cooler than a two-yolk egg. And that’s a double egg. If you don’t know what we are talking about, take a look at this amazing story.

Source: Video Screenshot

Double-shelled eggs are so rare that even though there are videos of people cracking them open, many people are convinced they are not real.

The process occurs when “an egg that is nearly ready be laid reverses direction and gets a new layer of albumen covered by a second shell,” reports Poultry Help.

According to Countryside Network, the process that causes the egg to reverse is called a ‘counter-peristalsis contraction’.

However, there is this YouTube video of a man who describes himself as “just an old Texas farmer appreciating nature” discovering a huge egg laid by an average sized chicken. The video was uploaded in July 2015, and so far, it has been seen more than 3 million times.

The farmer starts tapping the egg and makes a small crack in the shell. He then peels off one small part and we can clearly see the yolk.

“Oh, I see another surprise!” he says with a chuckle.

“A double egger!”

Source: Video Screenshot

The farmer slowly pours the yolk out of the shell, until only the inner egg remains. He says, “No double yolks, that’s for wimps. We got double eggs!”

Source: Video Screenshot

The second egg which was inside the big one is with a regular size. He cracks that one too, and it’s just a plain egg, like those we buy at the grocery store.

Take a look at this rarity and make sure you SHARE it with friends.

Source: lifeblogs

She’s aged like! This is how Patrick Swayze’s widow looks and lives years after the actor’s passing

Patrick Swayze and his wife Lisa Niemi were an iconic couple, remaining inseparable until his death in 2009 at the age of 58.

The pair first met when Swayze was in his early 20s and Lisa was 15 at ballet school. They married in 1975, and despite their deep love, they faced significant challenges, including the loss of a child and their inability to have children.

Swayze once remarked that it was Lisa’s “cold-bloodedness that attracted him at first sight.”

Lisa became his biggest supporter, particularly when the “Dirty Dancing” star was diagnosed with serious health issues in 2008.

He passed away a year later, leaving her devastated. Initially, Lisa found it difficult to consider a new relationship, feeling it was a betrayal to move on.

However, she eventually met billionaire jeweler Albert DePrisco, and they married. Now 65, Lisa remains happily married, frequently sharing romantic pictures with her husband.

Despite the passage of time, Lisa looks stunning and often appears as if she is still in her 20s, delighting her fans with her timeless beauty.

Source: trendsnews

Clint Eastwood’s Girlfriend’s Cause Of Death Confirmed

Clint Eastwood’s longtime partner, Christina Sandera, passed away last Thursday at the age of 61. The Monterey County Health Department in California informed The Post on Tuesday that Sandera’s cause of death was a heart attack.

According to her death certificate, the immediate cause was cardiac arrhythmia, an irregularity in the heart’s rhythm. Additionally, atherosclerotic coronary artery disease was listed as a contributing factor.

Coronary artery disease (CAD) involves the arteries that supply blood to the heart becoming narrowed, usually due to atherosclerosis—a condition characterized by the buildup of plaque inside the arterial walls, reducing blood flow.

Sandera’s death certificate also noted her as a philanthropist.

“Christina was a lovely, caring woman, and I will miss her very much,” Eastwood, 94, expressed in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. The spokesperson for the actor-director indicated that no further details regarding Sandera’s passing would be shared.

The couple, who began their relationship in 2014, first appeared publicly together at the 2015 Academy Awards. At that time, Sandera was working as a hostess at Eastwood’s Mission Ranch Hotel and Restaurant in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California.

Eastwood has had two marriages and is the father of eight children with six different women. He first married model Maggie Johnson in 1953, but they separated 11 years later, finalizing their divorce in 1984. During their marriage, Eastwood fathered two daughters: Laurie, 69, with an unnamed woman, and Kimber, 60, with stuntwoman Roxanne Tunis.

With Johnson, Eastwood had two children: son Kyle, 56, and daughter Alison, 52. He later had son Scott, 38, and daughter Kathryn, 36, with flight attendant Jacelyn Reeves.

Eastwood and actress Frances Fisher share daughter Francesca, 30. He married reporter Dina Ruiz in 1996, and they had daughter Morgan, 27. The couple separated in 2013, and their divorce was finalized the following year.

Credit: kuluckada

Vince Gill takes the stage after being instructed not to sing about Jesus and shouts out popular gospel songs.

When Vince Gill first appeared on the music scene in 1979 as a member of the country rock group Pure Prairie League, it was thought that he would last.

The crowds yell in delight every time he lets go with his powerful vocal, and his performances are completely unique.

Gill has released over 20 albums and continues to win over admirers around the country. This talented musician, who is also a devoted Christian, has recently included more gospel music in his shows, and the audience seems to appreciate it.

The crowd was excited to see him sing on the Grand Ole Opry stage in Nashville, Tennessee, knowing he was going to put on a great performance.

The managers, however, warned him not to sing any references to Jesus in his songs.

Instead of following directions and taking the stage, Gill chose to go with his instincts and do something completely out of the ordinary, which had everyone on their feet.

The rousing and moving song and lyrics of “Why Me Lord” soon filled the environment. The song, which Kris Kristofferson first sung and recorded in 1972, benefited greatly from Gill’s vocal skills.

He received standing ovations, and video of his performance quickly went viral.

We all applaud Gill for remaining faithful to his beliefs and thank him for the wonderful music he has provided us over the years.

Source: newsweekly