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Bizcocho Marmolado


Esta deliciosa receta es bastante sencilla, con pocos ingredientes que son fáciles de conseguir o que ya puede tener en casa. Para prepararla se necesitan:

  • 4 huevos medianos.
  • 140 gramos de azúcar.
  • 180 ml de aceite de girasol.
  • 120 ml de leche.
  • 1 y ½ cucharadita de vainilla.
  • 300 gramos de harina de repostería (todo uso).
  • 1 sobre de levadura química.
  • 25 gramos de cacao en polvo.
  • 1 cucharadita de café instantáneo.
  • Una pizca de sal.
  • Mantequilla para engrasar.


bizcocho marmolado
Receta de Bizcocho Marmolado

Una vez haya recolectado todos los ingredientes que se necesitan para preparar el bizcocho marmolado, solo tiene que seguir unos simples pasos. Recuerde que necesitará papel encerado y un molde redondo de 20 cm:

Paso 1

Precalentar el horno a 175ºC. Engrasar el molde con mantequilla y aplicar una lámina de papel parafinado en el fondo.

Paso 2

En un recipiente, batir los huevos con azúcar por alrededor de 5 minutos. Luego, agregar el aceite, la leche y la vainilla y batir hasta que todo quede homogéneo.

Paso 3

Separar la mezcla en partes iguales en 2 recipientes. En uno de estos, se tamizarán 170 gramos de harina, una pizca de sal y la mitad de la levadura. En el otro, agregar el resto de la harina, el cacao, el café y la sal.

Paso 4

Batir ambas mezclas hasta que queden bien homogéneas.

Paso 5

Una vez hecho esto, comenzar a armar el bizcocho. Se deben verter en el recipiente 3 cucharadas soperas de cada mezcla, alternando entre la blanca y la de chocolate, siempre vertiendo en el centro con cuidado de no salpicar.

Paso 6

Al terminar ambas mezclas, hornear por alrededor de 50 minutos o hasta que, al insertar un palillo, este salga completamente limpio. Una vez pasado el tiempo, se debe desmoldar y dejar enfriar sobre una rejilla.

Ya está listo su bizcocho marmolado, que puede dividir en 8 buenas porciones, para acompañar con una taza de té o tal vez con una bola de helado. Hay muchas formas para lograr el efecto marmolado en estos bizcochos, pero este es bastante sencillo. Le invitamos a intentarlo.

Credit: recetamexicana

El postre perfecto: chocoflan o pastel imposible para conquistar a todos.


Para hacer esta receta, se necesitan ingredientes para el caramelo, para el flan y para la torta de chocolate, por lo tanto, reúne estos:

  • 1 taza de azúcar
  • 5 huevos
  • 1 lata de leche condensada
  • 1 lata de leche evaporada
  • 1 taza de harina de trigo
  • 1/2 taza de cacao en polvo
  • 1 cucharadita de polvo para hornear
  • 1 cucharadita de esencia de vainilla
  • 1/2 taza de aceite vegetal
  • 1/2 taza de agua

Preparación del chocoflan o pastel imposible

Preparación del chocoflan o pastel imposible

La forma de preparar el chocoflan o pastel imposible es sencilla, a continuación, te decimos cómo hacerlo:

  1. Pon a precalentar el horno a una temperatura de 180°C.
  2. Prepara el caramelo. Para eso, pon en una olla pequeña el azúcar y un poco de agua. Cocina a fuego medio-bajo durante 5 minutos o hasta que se derrita y se torne dorado.
  3. Vierte el caramelo en un molde para horno y haz que cubra toda la superficie.
  4. Para hacer el flan, toma un bol y bate los huevos hasta que estén espumosos.
  5. Llegados a ese punto, agrega la leche condensada, la leche evaporada y la vainilla. Bate muy bien.
  6. Es momento de preparar la torta de chocolate. Mezcla la harina de trigo, el cacao en polvo y el polvo para hornear.
  7. En otro bol bate el azúcar con mantequilla hasta obtener una mezcla cremosa y la mantequilla adquiera un color blanquecino.
  8. Agrega uno a uno los huevos y sigue batiendo.
  9. Añade la vainilla y bate por un minuto.
  10. Une las dos mezclas e integra totalmente. Bate bien hasta que no queden grumos.
  11. Vierte el flan sobre el caramelo en el molde y haz lo mismo con la mezcla de la torta.
  12. Pon el molde a baño de maría y cocina durante 50-60 minutos, o hasta que al introducir un palillo en el centro del chocoflan, este salga limpio.
  13. Retira el molde de la fuente de calor y deja enfriar a temperatura ambiente. Luego, refrigera por un espacio de 2 horas.
  14. Cuando esté completamente frío, desmolda el chocoflan y sírvelo en porciones.

Credit: Birinews

Young woman with facial tattoos, piercings confronts TJ Maxx employees after she was denied a job

Anyone who has ever been rejected from a job has probably found themselves wondering what disqualified them from the position. Was it a lack of skills, the way you presented yourself, or something else?

Ash Putnam, 23, was recently denied a job at TJ Maxx and took her frustrations to TikTok where her video went viral.

Her video has since amassed more than seven million views and tens of thousands of comments. As the 20-something, who is covered in tattoos, wondered how young people could get an entry level job, everyone in the comments seemed to be in agreement about one thing.

Putnam explained on her viral TikTok how she applied for a job at a TJ Maxx only to receive an automatic email “a few weeks” later denying her application.

“They couldn’t even call me, they just sent me some automated email.”

Unsatisfied with the response, Putnam visited the store where she applied and confronted store employees.

“I went in today and was like, ‘So what was the reason why I didn’t get hired?’ She was like, ‘Oh you just don’t have enough experience there was candidates that had more experience than you’.”

“I asked her if it was about my tattoos obviously because I know a lot of places don’t like tattoos. She said that wasn’t the reason, I don’t feel like that’s true but whatever I will leave it at that.”

“Just because I have tattoos does not mean I am not going to be a good worker. I do not understand that at all. Quite literally some of the most smart intelligent people I have ever met are people with tattoos and piercings,” she continued.

Although the Californian, who works for Uber Eats, never get a straight answer from TJ Maxx, people on TikTok seemed to agree on the reason she was denied the job.

“tattooer here, it’s probably the tattoos”

“HR supervisor here. There is no way any company would put you in front of customers like TJ maxx.”

“I worked at TJ Maxx and they will hire just about anyone that comes off the street it’s definitely the tattoos and piercings”

“I don’t think it’s because you have tattoos…I think it’s WHERE you have tattoos 🤷🏾‍♂️”

Putnam also seems to think it’s her tattoos as well.

“I absolutely do think it’s about my tattoos because apparently my tattoos are demonic and scary to a lot of people,” she told the Daily Star.

“TJ Maxx did not say this to me – that’s just a lot of the comments I’ve gotten on my video. People are being extremely hateful on my TikTok saying I should work at a circus or Halloween stores.”

Even if her body art is the reason she was denied a job at the retailer, she believes companies need to rethink their hiring process.

“If they think tattoos determine job skill and qualifications they really need to rethink. Tattoos, piercings and colored hair are not unprofessional. It shows creativity and uniqueness. It’s 2024, people need to get over not liking tattoos.”

Do you think tattoos play a part in whether or not a person gets a job? Should they? Let us know your thoughts on Facebook.

Candace Cameron Bure and family slammed for their wedding etiquette – actress responds back

Candace Cameron Bure has captivated audiences worldwide since her early days as a child actress, and in recent years, she’s become known not only for her roles but also for her commitment to her faith. With an active presence on social media, Candace often shares glimpses of her life, including special moments with her family. However, a recent picture she posted from a wedding sparked some controversy.

In the photo, Candace, along with her daughter Natasha, donned vibrant red dresses, while her husband Valeri Bure and younger son Lev Bure looked dashing in suits. Notably, wearing red to a wedding isn’t conventional, prompting some users to voice their opinions.

One commenter expressed concern that red might overshadow the bride, to which Candace responded, citing the different style norms in Los Angeles with a playful wink emoji. Another commenter echoed the sentiment, stating that red is typically considered a no-no at weddings. Candace reiterated that in Los Angeles, fashion rules are more flexible, noting that several other women at the wedding were also wearing red.

Criticism wasn’t limited to the color choice, as some remarked on her husband and son’s decision to forgo socks with their suits. Candace defended their style choices, asserting that people have diverse tastes and it’s not necessary to impose one’s opinions on others.

Faced with the barrage of negative comments, Candace expressed her frustration, urging commenters to mind their manners and refrain from detracting from the joy of sharing on social media.

Despite the backlash, Candace remains resolute in asserting her family’s fashion choices. Whether or not you agree with their wedding attire, it’s clear that Candace values individual expression and won’t hesitate to stand up for her family’s decisions.

What’s your take on their wedding attire? Share your thoughts in the comments and spark a discussion among friends and family about the importance of respecting personal style choices.

Elvis Presley’s grandson takes the stage and shows his talent. He even looks like his legendary grandfather

Dakota Striplin’s Stunning Performance on The Voice

In the electrifying world of talent shows, Dakota Striplin made a bold claim on “The Voice,” suggesting he might be the grandson of the legendary Elvis Presley. Performing a soul-stirring rendition of “Love Me Tender,” Dakota captivated the audience and judges alike, evoking memories of Elvis with each note. His performance, accompanied by his own guitar playing, was both enchanting and powerful.

As Dakota’s ethereal voice filled the room, the first judge was visibly moved, quickly turning her chair in admiration and placing her hand over her heart. Soon after, another judge, intrigued by his compelling presence and vocal prowess, spun around, eager to see the source of this beautiful rendition.

After his performance, the judges inquired about his choice of song and his musical inspirations. Dakota shared heartfelt stories of his family’s history with Elvis, including his grandmother’s fond memories of attending Elvis’s concerts. He humorously hinted at a familial connection with the King of Rock and Roll, which sparked laughter and playful banter among the judges about their resemblance.

Further adding to the intrigue, Dakota discussed mysterious aspects of his ancestry, including a significant DNA revelation that cast doubt on his acknowledged lineage, suggesting a potential link to Elvis himself.

Watch the full video below to experience Dakota Striplin’s mesmerizing performance and intriguing backstory.


Gina, 52, is called the ”world’s hottest grandma”

We all age differently. For most of us, this means that you get a few wrinkles here and there, you might put on a few extra pounds, and things may not be exactly where they used to be.

Of course, this is a completely natural part of aging. At an older age, however, you become more confident and stop caring about other people’s opinions.

On the other hand, this is not the case for everyone. Some people want to keep their appearance young no matter what. For example, Gina Stweart, holds the title, according to the internet of “the sexiest grandma in the world.”

This Australian lady is 52 years old and has four children: James, 27, Cody, 22, Casey, 25, Summer, 4, and one grandchild.

No plastic surgery, she claims

The self-proclaimed World’s Hottest Grandma has participated in several beauty shows, as well as being named Australia’s 90th most beautiful woman.

Gina is known for her provocative photos on social media and rose to fame in 2018 when she made it all the way to the final of the Maxim’s Finest Australia contest — a competition that put her her against 18-year-olds.

Gina was stunned by all the attention she got after the contest – she wasn’t prepare for all the kind words.

“My friends are all saying I look the best I’ve ever looked in years. I must admit I never looked after myself but that’s because I didn’t have the knowledge I have today,” she said.

Two years ago, she spoke with the Daily Mail Australia and revealed her ”secret” to aging gracefully.

According to Gina, she has managed to keep her complexion young through coconut oil and rose oil.

“The only cosmetic procedure I had was my breasts 10 years ago. I don’t use Botox or fillers as I believe in aging gracefully. But seriously, there’s no secret. I think everyone is beautiful. I’m not doing this for attention, as I hate it. I’m just trying to make a difference to inspire women not to rip each other apart.”

She firmly denies receiving any plastic surgery other than for her size E (or DDD) breasts. And her implants may soon be removed.

According to Gina, she put them in over 10 years ago when it was a ”trend”. She also confessed that she was struggling with insecurities and that was part of the reason she got her implants.

But bigger breasts didn’t mean that she got better self-esteem.

“I thought if I had it done, my life would change. To be honest, it never changed, I was judged more,” she said.

“I look in the mirror and see so many faults but I’m trying not to focus on that and just be grateful that I’m still breathing on this beautiful planet.”

Released a nude calendar

Gina often leaves little to the imagination on her pictures, but this year she released a real nude calendar where she shows everything.

According to her website, the pictures were “on a whole another level.”

“The Topless Calendar contains twelve topless exclusive photos of Gina,”  says the description of her website.

Share the article and tell us what you think about this!

Bizcocho de la abuela – ¡tierno y esponjoso!


  • 1 taza (200 g) de azúcar
  • 1/2 taza (115 g) de mantequilla derretida
  • 2 huevos
  • 1 cucharadita de esencia de vainilla
  • 2 tazas (250 g) de harina de trigo
  • 1 cucharadita de polvo de hornear
  • 1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio
  • 1/4 cucharadita de sal
  • 1 taza (240 ml) de leche


1. Precalienta tu horno a 180°C (350°F) y engrasa un molde para bizcocho.

2. En un tazón grande, bate el azúcar y la mantequilla derretida hasta que la mezcla esté suave y cremosa.

3. Agrega los huevos uno a la vez, batiendo bien después de cada adición. Añade la esencia de vainilla y mezcla hasta que esté incorporada.

4. En otro tazón, tamiza juntos la harina, el polvo de hornear, el bicarbonato de sodio y la sal.

5. Agrega gradualmente los ingredientes secos a la mezcla de mantequilla y azúcar, alternando con la leche. Comienza y termina con los ingredientes secos. Mezcla hasta que la masa esté suave, pero evita batir en exceso.

6. Vierte la masa en el molde preparado y alisa la parte superior.

7. Hornea en el horno precalentado durante aproximadamente 30-40 minutos, o hasta que un palillo insertado en el centro salga limpio y el bizcocho tenga un color dorado y haya subido.

8. Una vez listo, saca el bizcocho del horno y deja que se enfríe en el molde durante unos minutos antes de transferirlo a una rejilla para que se enfríe por completo.

9. Puedes espolvorear un poco de azúcar glas por encima para decorar antes de servir.

10. ¡Disfruta de tu delicioso bizcocho de la abuela casero!

Credit: receitasincretibles

Mom’s dream came true: her daughter earned money and transformed the house!

Marina’s journey from humble beginnings to achieving her dream of renovating her parents’ house is truly inspiring. Despite facing financial struggles throughout her upbringing, Marina remained determined to improve her family’s living conditions.

From a young age, Marina understood the importance of education and worked diligently to excel academically. Her perseverance paid off when she earned the opportunity to study at a university, even though it meant leaving her parents’ home at a young age.

Throughout her studies and part-time work, Marina never lost sight of her goal to help her parents renovate their home. Through her hard work and dedication, she saved enough money to initiate the renovation process.

Marina’s story highlights the power of determination and perseverance in overcoming adversity. By working tirelessly and involving her family in the renovation process, she transformed their old apartment into a beautiful and comfortable space. Her future plans to further enhance the apartment demonstrate her ongoing commitment to improving her family’s quality of life.

Marina’s journey serves as a testament to the importance of setting goals, working hard, and never giving up on one’s dreams. Her dedication to her family and her unwavering determination to create a better future for them are truly admirable.

I recently spent $6,500 on this registered Black Angus bull.

I recently spent $6,500 on this registered Black Angus bull. I put him out with the herd but he just ate grass and wouldn’t even look at a cow.

I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth. Anyway……I had the Vet come and take a look at him.

He said,, the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young. 😂
so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day.

May be an image of 1 person

The bull started to service the cows within two days……. all my cows! He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neighbor’s cows!

He’s like a machine! I don’t know what was in the pills the Vet gave him … but they kind of taste like peppermint. 🤣

Elon Musk Shakes Up Television with Daring Acquisition and Dismissal

In a surprising turn of events, Elon Musk, the influential CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has made a bold move that has grabbed the attention of the entertainment world. He has acquired ABC and wasted no time in dismissing the entire cast of the long-running talk show, “The View.” This unprecedented decision has sent shockwaves throughout the industry, leaving fans and critics in awe.

According to sources close to Musk, he took this daring step due to his dissatisfaction with the show’s repetitive arguments and lack of innovation. In a statement, Musk expressed his frustration, saying, “I’ve been watching ‘The View’ for years, and it feels like the same tired discussions over and over again. I’ve had enough of it, and I believe it’s time for a fresh approach to daytime talk shows.”

The firing of well-known personalities like Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, and Meghan McCain has sparked mixed reactions from fans and critics alike. While some were taken aback by the sudden departure of beloved hosts, others have applauded Musk for daring to disrupt the conventional talk show format.

“I can’t contain my excitement about Elon Musk shaking up the industry,” expressed a thrilled fan. “It was high time someone injected new life into the world of talk shows, and I can’t wait to see what he has in store.”

Musk’s unexpected move has ignited conversations across multiple generations, especially among those who have felt dissatisfied with the stagnation of daytime television. His reputation as an innovator and visionary has only amplified the curiosity and speculation surrounding his plans for ABC and the future of talk shows.

As we eagerly await further announcements and developments from the tech mogul, one thing is certain: Elon Musk’s acquisition of ABC has sparked a blaze of anticipation, renewing hope for a refreshing change in the world of television.