Kenai Alaska Cheese Dip

When it comes to iconic Alaskan cuisine, the Kenai Alaska Cheese Dip stands out as a true testament to the flavors of the Last Frontier. This article takes you on a gastronomic journey, unraveling the secrets behind crafting this delectable dip that combines the richness of king crab, the smokiness of salmon, and the creaminess of cheeses. Let’s dive into the details of this mouthwatering recipe.


Alaska king crab meat, cooked and shredded2 cups
Smoked salmon, flaked1 cup
Sharp cheddar cheese, shredded1 cup
Mozzarella cheese, shredded1 cup
Mayonnaise1/2 cup
Sour cream1/2 cup
Cream cheese, softened1/4 cup
Chopped fresh dill1/4 cup
Chopped green onions2 tablespoons
Lemon juice1 tablespoon
Dijon mustard1 teaspoon
Garlic powder1/2 teaspoon
Salt and pepperTo taste
Crackers or sliced baguetteFor serving


1. Oceanic Ensemble:

  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the shredded king crab meat and flaked smoked salmon.
  • These star ingredients bring the essence of the Alaskan waters to your dip.

2. Cheese Cascade:

  • Introduce the shredded sharp cheddar and mozzarella cheeses to the bowl.
  • Create a creamy and indulgent base by blending the cheeses with the seafood.

3. Creamy Harmony:

  • In a separate bowl, whisk together mayonnaise, sour cream, softened cream cheese, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, and garlic powder.
  • Ensure a well-blended, creamy harmony of flavors.

4. Dill Infusion:

  • Fold in the chopped fresh dill and green onions.
  • Infuse the dip with herbaceous and aromatic notes.

5. Seasonal Symphony:

  • Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Adjust according to the salty element from the smoked salmon.

Serving Suggestions:

6. Chill and Mingle:

  • Allow the Kenai Alaska Cheese Dip to chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
  • This enhances the flavors and lets them mingle for a better taste.

7. Presentation Brilliance:

  • Before serving, garnish with additional dill and green onions.
  • Enhance the visual appeal for a delightful presentation.

8. Pair and Enjoy:

  • Serve the dip with an assortment of crackers or thinly sliced baguette.
  • Create the perfect bite and savor the deliciousness

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