Funny and Unexpected Dating Mishaps


Dating can be an exciting adventure filled with laughter and the possibility of a meaningful connection. But as anyone who has been on many dates knows, not all of them turn into fairy-tale romances. In fact, some dates can be downright cringe-worthy and leave us wishing for a quick exit. Let’s take a look at some funny and unexpected dating mishaps that people have experienced.

1. Thank God It’s Over

A woman shared her horrible dating experience on Reddit. On their first date, her partner dominated the conversation for an entire hour, complaining about every aspect of his life without giving her a chance to speak. Feeling frustrated, she excused herself to the restroom and decided to drive home instead.

Things didn’t get any better when they were seated at a restaurant. He arrogantly ordered her food and ended up spilling juice on himself, all while criticizing the staff and asserting the superiority of his home country. The evening continued with him expressing his desire to become a manager and fire anyone he deemed incompetent. When the check arrived, she suggested splitting it, but he yelled at her. She left money on the table and walked away.

To avoid causing a scene, she reluctantly allowed him to walk her home. The walk was filled with awkward silence, and when they reached her front door, he tried to force himself on her. She pushed him away, threw money at him, and firmly told him to leave. After the incident, she shared the story with his family, who cut off contact with her.

2. Making the Exit

A Reddit user went on a date with someone who insisted on dining at an expensive restaurant. Throughout the meal, the person remained glued to their phone, taking calls and responding to texts. The waitress noticed this and discreetly offered separate bills. The user took the opportunity and settled their portion of the bill before leaving.

3. A Kiss for Two

At 18 years old, a man in the Air Force went on a date set up by his roommate. The group decided to watch a movie, and his date surprised everyone by bringing a giant stuffed rabbit named Pebbles. After the movie, they went for ice cream and drove to his date’s cousin’s home. As they reached the door, his date suggested that he not only kiss her but also Pebbles to avoid any potential jealousy. Despite the quirkiness of the situation, he obliged and kissed both.

4. Calling It Quits

A man was set up on a blind date by a friend. However, when they met at the theater, he realized that his date looked nothing like her online photos. To make matters worse, she introduced him to her parents and nine-year-old brother, who joined them for the movie. Throughout the film, the brother continuously kicked the back of the man’s seat. Unable to endure the situation any longer, he excused himself to the restroom and decided to drive home instead.

5. A Baffling Request

During a first date at the London Zoo, a woman was surprised when her date asked her to cover her own ticket. She agreed, and he pulled out a two-for-one voucher, allowing himself to enter for free while she paid for her own ticket. Quite a baffling move, to say the least.

6. A Major Turn Off

While having dinner with a man, a woman noticed his wedding ring accidentally slip out of his pocket when he reached for his wallet. Disgusted by the situation, she immediately threw some cash on the table and decided to walk home. It was a rare occasion where circumstances were too repulsive for her to have an appetite.

7. Where’s the Check?

On a first date, a man was taken aback when his date confessed that she was engaged but wanted to go on a few more dates to make sure her fiance was the right one. It didn’t take long for the man to request the check and make a hasty exit.

Dating can be a rollercoaster ride, and sometimes it takes these funny and unexpected dating mishaps to appreciate the good ones. Remember, not every date will be perfect, but you never know when you might stumble upon a truly magical connection.

Passenger Caught A Moment That Can’t Go Unnoticed..


As the plane soared through the skies, one passenger’s gaze was drawn to a scene unfolding in the cabin—a moment that demanded attention and couldn’t go unnoticed.

Amidst the hum of the engines and the chatter of fellow travelers, this singular moment stood out, etching itself into the observer’s memory.

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Anciana solitaria recibe regalos de desconocido cada día: el último fue una casa nueva – Historia del día


Una solitaria mujer llamada Emma comenzó a recibir regalos de parte de un desconocido todos los días.

Cuando el marido de Emma Rodríguez murió hace siete años, ella quedó destrozada. Ahora tenía que cuidar de sí misma, ya que no tenía a nadie que se preocupara por ella.

Un día, mientras Emma estaba sentada en su habitación viendo la televisión, alguien tocó el timbre. No esperaba ninguna visita, así que decidió ir a ver de quién se trataba.

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Unsplash

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Unsplash

Cuando abrió la puerta de casa, vio a un repartidor de unos 40 años con varias cajas. Llevaba una máscara, por lo que ella no podía ver su rostro con claridad.

“Hola. No espero ningún paquete de nadie. ¿Puedo saber de quién es?”, le preguntó Emma.

“Lo siento, señora, pero estos paquetes se enviaron de forma anónima. Son para usted”, dijo él, colocando las cajas junto a la puerta.

“Qué extraño… gracias”, respondió Emma antes de cerrar la puerta.

Cuando el repartidor se marchó, Emma abrió las cajas rápidamente porque tenía curiosidad por saber qué había dentro. En la primera caja, había pequeños electrodomésticos como una nueva tostadora de horno, una sandwichera y una cafetera.

“¿Quién me regalaría todo esto?”, se preguntó. Procedió a abrir la segunda caja, y en su interior había ropa bonita, así como comida.

Cada día, Emma empezó a recibir más paquetes. Siempre era el mismo repartidor el que los entregaba, así que decidió conocerlo.

“¿Cómo te llamas?”, le preguntó.

“Me llamo Tomás Hernández”, sonrió el repartidor. “Sra. Rodríguez, el remitente nos pidió que le diéramos esto. Esperaré a que termine de contestar”, añadió, entregándole un sobre.

Curiosa, Emma lo abrió y lo leyó rápidamente. Decía: “Señora Rodríguez, por favor, hágame saber lo que usted necesita y se lo concederé”.

“¡Oh, me muero por saber quién me ha estado dando todo esto! Ahora esa persona quiere incluso que haga peticiones!”, exclamó.

“Estoy seguro de que el remitente la quiere mucho, aunque no sepa quién es”, sonrió el repartidor.

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

Emma accedió y escribió lo que necesitaba. No quería que la persona gastara mucho por ella, así que solo anotó lo necesario.

Desde aquel breve y dulce encuentro, Emma empezó a preparar bocadillos rápidos para Tomás, el repartidor. Durante todo un mes, él fue a su casa, entregándole paquetes con ropa, comida, libros y otros artículos novedosos.

En un momento dado, Emma empezó a acostumbrarse a la compañía de Tomás. Pasaban tiempo juntos comiendo la merienda y él la ayudaba a hacer algunas tareas domésticas que ella no podía hacer por sí misma.

Sin embargo, un día, Tomás no vino. De repente, preocupada, Emma decidió ir a la oficina de correos local para encontrarlo.

“Hola, ¿puede llamar a Tomás Hernández? Tengo unas donas que quería darle”, le preguntó a la joven de la mesa de recepción. La joven parecía confundida.

“Lo siento, señora. No hay nadie llamado Tomás Hernández que trabaje aquí”, respondió.

“Oh… pero él ha estado entregando mis paquetes todos los días. Eso es extraño”, dijo Emma, repentinamente decepcionada. No sabía dónde encontrar a Tomás, y eso la molestaba.

Caminó de vuelta a casa con muchos pensamientos en su cabeza. ¿Quién podría ser este amable samaritano? ¿Había ido a la oficina de correos equivocada? ¿Estaba Tomás fingiendo ser un repartidor?

Al llegar a su porche, se sorprendió al ver una pequeña caja frente a la puerta. Allí, vio una llave y una nota que decía:

Me enteré de la verdad hace apenas un mes, cuando decidí contratar a un investigador privado para averiguar mi origen. Sé que te culpas y te arrepientes de lo que hiciste. Sin embargo, quiero que sepas que no te culpo y que sé que solo tenías en mente lo mejor para mí.

Tú y tu marido no podían alimentarme, así que me diste en adopción. Acabé en una familia rica que me trató como si fuera suyo, pero siempre sentí que me faltaba algo. Me di cuenta de que eras tú, mamá.

Me faltas en mi vida, y me encantaría pasar más tiempo contigo. Si estás dispuesta, hace poco compré una casa nueva. Hice duplicar una llave para ti en caso de que quisieras mudarte conmigo. Por favor, permíteme cuidar de ti. Con cariño, tu repartidor, Tomás”.

Emma estaba temblando cuando terminó de leer el mensaje. Siempre había anhelado ver a su hijo antes de morir, y no podía creer que fuera él quien la encontrara. ¡Y ese hijo resultó ser Tomás! No pudo evitar llorar, toda la culpa de su pasado la alcanzó una vez más.

Era cierto lo que Tomás había descubierto sobre su pasado. Emma y José estaban al borde de la quiebra cuando descubrieron que ella estaba embarazada. Sabían que no podrían criar a Tomás en un buen ambiente, así que lo dieron en adopción.

Dejaron a su hijo en un orfanato cuando solo tenía meses. Con sus pertenencias, Emma dejó una carta que explicaba por qué no podían criarlo. La carta era anónima, pero tras convencer a los directores del orfanato de que revelaran el contenido de sus papeles de adopción, Tomás encontró el nombre de Emma.

Emma quería ver a Tomás inmediatamente. Se dispuso a salir de su casa para encontrarse con él, pero alguien llamó a la puerta. Cuando la abrió, vio a Tomás.


Dad whose body is completely covered in tattoos


We’ve all done things we’re not proud of in the past, made decisions we wish we hadn’t, and said things we would want to take back.

Yet I’m willing to wager very few of us have regrets so large and visible as Ethan ‘ModBoy’ Bramble, a body fanatic from Australia who covered his body with over 200 tattoos.

Expressing oneself through ink is common these days, while intricate, quirky tattoos appear to be all the rage. That said, there’s a limit to what most people are willing to pay to have put on themselves, and for most people that limit falls well short of what Ethan was ready to do.

As per reports, Ethan was just 11 years old when he decided to get his first ever body modification, which involved the stretching of his ears. Since then, he’s undergone all manner of procedures, including having his tongue split and his belly button removed.

It’s his tattoos that garner the most attention, however, and that’s hardly a surprise given that he’s covered head to toe. All told, Ethan revealed that he had spent around $60,000 AUD (roughly $39,000 UD) to look the way he does.

Now, though, he’s expressed some regret over his past choices.

“I guess you could say I regret some tattoos,” he told LadBibleTV’s No Filter series.

“Not just regret, I think there’s a difference between regret and wanting to be perceived differently.”

Ethan went on to say that he’s worried about the judgement he might face while performing certain daily tasks, such as taking his young daughter to school.

“The face is a big thing that can lead to so many – for some people, not everyone – can lead to a lot of problems for yourself, which I probably wouldn’t want my daughter to have to deal with until she was a bit older,” he said.

“I wish that I had not gone as hectic as I did on my face.”

In an attempt to clean up his image, Ethan’s been undergoing painful laser surgery treatment in a bid to reverse some of the ink he got when he was younger.

He explained: “I’ve been getting laser [surgery], or have been, for pretty much 12 months… We do it in sections, but I’ve probably gone over the full thing six or seven times.

“I started getting it done because of the anxiety and stuff I was getting… Mental stuff is a funny thing to pin down, but I want to think that a lot of the anxiety was from just having a face full of tattoos.

“I’m happy with the way that I look, but I’m also happy with the mentality that over the next two years, my face tattoos are going to become less and less and less. I’m just clearing the canvas.”

What do you think about Ethan’s before and after look? Let us know in the comments!

Look closer… Vintage photos that were never edited


Few things are as satisfying as a trip down memory lane
– and it’s even better when you find something you didn’t notice before.

Because as Ferris Bueller said – life moves pretty fast. Here are dozens of pictures of celebrities and remarkable people of yesteryear in all their beautiful, vintage glory.

The glamour, the fashions, the hair – whether classically elegant, effortlessly cool, or interestingly tacky, we shall not see their like again.

Here’s to the movie stars who were larger than life, here’s to the rock stars who lived on the edge, here’s to the comedians who still make us smile, here’s to the bit players who had those moments of glory that changed their lives forever. It’s all good, it’s all groovy, and the rest is history.

Burt Reynolds and Farrah Fawcett during filming of the
1981 comedy “The Cannonball Run.”

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! You’re gonna lose! Lose! Lose! A miffed Maureen McCormick on The Brady Bunch, 1972.

King Charles Gives Kate Middleton Blessing To Do The One Thing He Never Let Diana Do


**Royal Rivalry: Princess Kate Steals the Spotlight**

Explosive revelations have rocked the monarchy as a royal expert claims Princess Kate has the King’s approval to steal the limelight.

Despite fears of overshadowing King Charles and Queen Camilla, insiders suggest the monarch has given his blessing to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

But this isn’t the first time royal dynamics have been shaken by a popular princess.

Princess Diana, revered by the masses, famously outshone her husband, causing tension within their marriage.

Reports suggest Charles grew increasingly jealous as crowds clamored for Diana’s attention over his.

In a candid interview, Diana herself revealed the strain their differing levels of fame placed on their relationship.

She recounted how Charles, a proud man, felt the sting of public preference for his wife.

Now, history seems to repeat itself as Kate, with her charm and charisma, steps into the spotlight.

Her surprise appearance at the Chelsea Flower Show sparked more excitement than Charles and Camilla’s visit.

Royal expert Robert Jobson sheds light on the situation, explaining Charles’s acceptance of Kate’s prominence.

Pour a can of peaches into a slow cooker to create a timeless dessert that you’ll relish spooning into


Peach cobbler is a classic dessert loved by many for its sweet, fruity flavor and comforting warmth. But what if you could make this delicious treat with minimal effort? Enter the Easy Peasy Slow Cooker Peach Cobbler. With just a few simple ingredients and a slow cooker, you can whip up a mouthwatering dessert that will have everyone asking for seconds. In this article, we’ll explore the steps to create this delectable dish and share some tips for making it even more irresistible.


Sliced peaches in juice1 can (21 oz)
Yellow cake mix1 box
Butter, sliced6 oz
Cinnamon1 tsp
Vanilla ice creamFor serving


  1. Layer Ingredients: In a 6-quart slow cooker, add the entire can of sliced peaches with their juice. Sprinkle the yellow cake mix evenly over the peaches. Then, sprinkle the cinnamon on top of the cake mix. Do not stir.
  2. Add Butter: Distribute the sliced butter evenly over the cake mix.
  3. Cook: Set the slow cooker to high and cook for 2 hours.
  4. Serve: Once cooked, serve the warm peach cobbler with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

Meghan Markle debuts dynamic new hairdo on trip with Prince Harry


Meghan Markle, who’s known for her elegant and sophisticated styles, recently switched up her hairstyle, adding a little color to her long, gorgeous locks.

The Duchess of Sussex has been seen with various looks, from loose waves to sleek buns, and now she’s rocking a new shade of “chocolate chestnut brunette.”

The transformation from her usual chocolate brown is a tiny tweak but when her hair catches the sun, her new style is blindingly beautiful!

Keep reading to learn more about the new look that makes Markle sparkle!

showed off her new style at the 2025 Invictus Games with Prince Harry.

Sharing a photo on Instagram of his royal client, glam hairstylist Kadi Lee revealed the details of Markle’s new tresses, a blend of red and golden undertones with a dark overtone.

Meghan Markle
Credit: Shutterstock/lev radin

“Chocolate chestnut brunette, for Meghan, Duchess of Sussex for Invictus Games.” The post continues, “This mixture of red and golden undertones makes a dynamic shade of brunette that not only gives skin the healthiest glow, especially during the colder months of winter, it also provides the hair with a next level high power shine.”

The colorist, at California’s Highbrow Hippie, credits Markle’s stylist Hector for the “bounciest, long-lasting blowout.”

The photo triggered a shower of praise from online users, some begging Kadi for her secrets.

One fan writes, “can you share the color you used so we can take it to our stylist if we’re out of state? You do such an incredible job in implementing color that compliments her skin tone and makes everything pop and yet subtle at the same time.”

Meghan Markle
Credit: Shutterstock

A second pens, “Hector and Kadi, your hand is truly blessed! Duchess Meghan looked radiant every time she stepped out.”

“You did an incredible job with the color, treatment and cut, Meghan’s hair is getting more perfect every day and this color suits her so much, congratulations to the wonderful professionals you are!!!” shares a third.

Not a smooth process

Though Markle’s beauty seems effortless, her dad, Thomas Markle, said keeping her hair straight and sleek took a lot of work.

Thomas – who hasn’t spoken with his daughter since he had two heart attacks on the evening of her 2018 wedding to the Prince – told the Daily Mail that when she was younger, he often woke at 5 a.m. to help her smooth and straighten her hair.

“When she wanted her hair straightening, it would take hours to do before she went to school,” said Thomas, 79. “But it was something I did willingly.”

When she became a teenager, Markle started doing her own hair and makeup, using tricks she learned on set in studios with her now retired father, who won two Daytime Emmy Awards in his role as a lighting director on the TV soap General Hospital.

Years later, when she earned the position of “suitcase girl” number 24 on the game show Deal or No Deal, Markle adopted her signature glossy look.

In 2011, she detailed the work involved in keeping her hair soft and bouncy.

“My mum is black and my dad is Dutch and Irish so the texture of my hair is densely curly…I’ve been getting Brazilian blow-outs for a couple of years,” she said of the semi-permanent strengthening treatment that lasts about four months.

Debuts new do

In February 2024 the Duke and Duchess were in Canada, bringing attention to the 2025 Invictus Games, which will be held next year in Whistler, BC. The games, that support sick and injured service members, were founded by Harry and the 2025 event will be the first, since it started in 2014, that features winter sports.

The couple visited the Participating Nation’s Training Camp where they met athletes from around the world, hoping to compete in the 2025 games.

The Duke – joined by Canadian crooner Michael Buble – tried adaptive winter sports, and Markle, wearing skinny jeans, a white cashmere sweater topped with a beige or dark quilted jacket, shined with her new hairstyle.

“It’s so wonderful to see Harry and Meghan with our veterans again. The respect between everyone is great to see. Invictus Spirit,” writes one fan on the Invictus Games 2025 Instagram page. “Beautiful. So proud of the veterans. Current service personnel, Prince Harry, Meghan and the entire Invictus family,” shares a second.

“So lovely,” pens a third.

What do you think of Markle’s subtle new look? Please share your comments below!

Meghan Markle flaunts raunchy dress during luxury resort dinner with Prince Harry


Meghan Markle made a striking appearance at a private charity dinner, turning heads in a rather bold ensemble.

Alongside her husband Prince Harry, the 42-year-old attended the event as part of a luxurious weekend in Florida, mingling with fellow guests and supporting a noble cause.

Decked in a chic, backless black dress, Meghan exuded grace and sophistication at the dinner, which honored the Sentebale charity founded by Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso of Lesotho in 2006.

The event, hosted at the opulent Four Seasons resort in Florida, served as a glamorous backdrop for the couple’s charitable endeavors.

The luxurious resort, known for its extravagant $8,000-per-night suites, was a lavish retreat for the Sussexes, according to Hello! Magazine. With oceanfront views, beach access, and upscale dining options, the Four Seasons provided the perfect setting for a weekend of relaxation and philanthropy.

During their stay, Prince Harry and Meghan were spotted strolling through the resort’s pool area, embracing casual and comfortable attire. However, their weekend also included work commitments, with Prince Harry seen on the set of their upcoming Netflix show, where the couple serves as producers. Meghan later joined her husband on the set, engaging in production activities, as per the Daily Mail.

The couple’s high-profile trip sparked a flurry of reactions on social media, especially when it came to Meghan’s wardrobe choice for the charity dinner.

Ignacio Figueras, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry conversing at dinner. Credit: nachofigueras / Instagram.

“What a trashy dress. Over exposed, and in black. She really is ridiculous,” someone commented on Meghan’s backless dress, while another netizen wrote: “It seems quite informal. Meghan looks a bit bare, but she loves a halterneck.”

Other users questioned the whereabouts of the couple’s two young children, Archie and Lilibet. One person asked: “And where are the kids?” while another added: “Has someone checked on the children?!”

Someone else simply chimed in with: “Those poor kids. How can they constantly leave [their] kids[?] Have the kids ever had a holiday?”

At the same time, many people commented on how radiant Meghan looks, and how she has every right to dress the way she wants as a woman.

Obviously, online opinions varied, but Meghan and Prince Harry remained unfazed, continuing to enjoy the festivities of their Florida getaway.

What did you think of this story? Let us know in the comments!

Yumminess! 6 years later, this is still a favorite! I always get asked to make this


Welcome to the world of irresistible desserts! If you’re craving a taste of the tropics, look no further than Piña Colada Poke Cake. This delightful dessert combines the flavors of pineapple, coconut, and creamy goodness in every bite. In this article, we’ll explore the step-by-step process of creating this delectable treat, along with tips and tricks to make it a standout dish at your next gathering.


White cake mix1 box
Sweetened condensed milk1 can (14 oz)
Cream of coconut1 can (8 oz)
Crushed pineapple, drained1 can (8 oz)
Whipped topping, thawed1 tub (8 oz)
Shredded coconut, toasted1/2 cup
Maraschino cherries, for garnishAs needed


  1. Prepare the Cake: Follow the instructions on the white cake mix box to prepare and bake the cake in a 9×13 inch pan.
  2. Poke Holes: Once the cake is baked and still warm, use the end of a wooden spoon to poke holes all over the top of the cake.
  3. Prepare the Filling: In a bowl, mix together the sweetened condensed milk and cream of coconut until well combined. Pour this mixture over the cake, ensuring it fills the holes.
  4. Add Pineapple: Distribute the crushed pineapple evenly over the top of the cake.
  5. Top with Whipped Cream: Spread the whipped topping over the pineapple layer, covering the cake completely.
  6. Add Coconut: Sprinkle the toasted coconut over the whipped topping.
  7. Chill and Garnish: Refrigerate the cake for at least 4 hours or overnight to allow the flavors to meld. Just before serving, garnish with maraschino cherries.
